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It’s already Week 41 of 2014! This week’s NIV Leadership Bible focuses on the importance of encouragement in relationships for a leader. Encouragement breeds success…and I’m living proof of that. My dad is the ultimate encourager…and my brother and I greatly benefitted from that growing up. First, he was always there for us…at our sporting events or other extra-curricular activities. After watching us, he would always find ways to share words of encouragement—no matter how we’d done or what the result. For that, I’m grateful, as I try to emulate that practice with my kids.

Few functions a leader performs are more important than that of keeping hope alive. Out of This World Leaders navigate the maze of despair and drive away darkness with positive projections for the future. They infuse others around them with optimism regarding themselves, others, and the future of the organization.

Let’s take a look at examples of encouragement from Zechariah, Jonathan & David, and Barnabas (the “Son of Encouragement”).

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