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Today is National Senior Citizens Day in the United States.  Thirty years ago today, President Ronald Reagan declared August 21 to be National Senior Citizens Day—celebrated one week after the anniversary of President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act in 1935.

When I think of Senior Citizens, I have long been impacted by their wisdom and life experiences.  As an elementary student, I remember forming relationships with senior citizens that my Dad and I picked up on Sunday mornings to go to church.  I even interviewed one of them for a personal biography project at school.

At work, I have sought out mentors with more life experience.  Today, some of them who have been retired for many years, still provide their advice and perspective for both work and life challenges.

So, today, I want to pause and give honor to Senior Citizens and reflect on some of the older leaders from the Bible.  To do that, I’ve summarized John Maxwell’s 2014 book, Learning from the Giants.

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