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Hope is passion for what is possible. - Soren Kierkegaard

As we enter the Advent season of 2018, we start with the theme of Hope.  Two years ago, I read The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston.  While I generally read books on kindle now, I purchased a hard copy from Mardel and didn’t get around to archiving my notes until Hurricane Harvey hit Houston last September.  Following Harvey, Johnston’s words brought much-needed encouragement.

Earlier today, we learned that my sister-in-law passed away.  I’m thankful that we have Hope for her future, since she was a follower of Jesus Christ.  She battled a myriad of health problems for many years.  We’re thankful she is at peace and rest now, but will miss her laugh and her eyes lighting up when her niece and nephews were around.  Thanks be to God for His omniscience and His timing.

In his book, Johnston says, “Unlike IQ and EQ, which are largely inherited, your degree of hope, your Hope Quotient (or HQ), can be developed to any level.”

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