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National Ice Cream Day 2019! (L to R): Cat, Cody, Brady, Katy, & Evan

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day.

In his proclamation, President Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these events with “appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

So, I took Katy along with her boyfriend Evan and Cody along with his girlfriend Cat to celebrate at Baskin-Robbins (pictured above) while Jennifer and Tanner spent an extra day tubing on the Frio River in Concan, Texas with family friends.

Speaking of ice cream, I recently read The Ice Cream Maker: An Inspiring Tale About Making Quality The Key Ingredient in Everything You Do by Subir Chowdhury.  The author is a respected quality strategist and Chairman and CEO of the world leader on Six Sigma and Quality Leadership implementation, consulting, and training. Hailed by the New York Times as a “leading quality expert,” Chowdhury is the author of twelve books, including the international bestseller The Power of Six Sigma, which has been translated into more than twenty languages and has sold more than a million copies worldwide.

Click here for my summary of The Ice Cream Maker

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