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Today, the first Monday of 2020—a New Year & New Decade—is “National Thank God It’s Monday Day.”  This Monday is full of new beginnings.

As for me, I return to work for the first time since December 20th.  It’s been a good break, and I’m bringing renewed vigor and energy to my job.

A couple of months ago, I read Morten Hansen’s Great at Work.  From 2002 to 2011, Hansen worked with Jim Collins on Great by Choice as a sequel to Collins’ Good to Great. Both books offer empirically validated frameworks that account for great performance in companies.

Upon completion of that project, Hansen decided to develop a similarly validated framework for individual performance.  What resulted was Hansen’s perspective on how top performers do less, work better, and achieve more.  What could be better advice on how to start the new work year?

Click here to continue with a summary of Hansen’s Great at Work

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