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Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. - Michael Jordan

For the month of October, I will focus on the last of my ten leadership tips – “Prepare for the Future, and Stay Open to the Possibilities.” When I consider preparing for the future, I think about making a plan, and being intentional about it.

That’s why I want to highlight John Maxwell’s Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters, which was published one year ago.

This tip is aligned with the Fruit of the Spirit: Peace, which is translated to mean completeness, soundness, and well-being…or contentment. In fact, I’ve heard it said that “if joy is like the sun bursting through the clouds on a gloomy day, peace is like a constant ocean breeze that brings comfort and refreshment…”

Peace is the shoes for our feet, helping us move. If fear paralyzes, peace invigorates and gives us the power to act decisively in high-pressure situations.

Click here for Maxwell’s advice on Intentional Living.

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