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Golden Calf

The more I learn about the Second Commandment—“No Idols”—the more I recognize how easy it is to serve or love things other than God.  He wants all of my heart, mind, soul, and strength.  At times, I can let good things get between God and me.

For those who read this blog regularly, you know my passion well, “To improve leadership wherever I go.”  That passion takes much of my free, personal time that is not dedicated to family or supporting our kids’ sports or other activities.  On business travel, I’m often reading and learning about leadership.

Can learning about leadership be idolatry?  Well, all of us have weak points and each of us must stay on guard against subtle and deceptive things of this world—which could easily turn to idols, if they take our focus away from the one true God and our relationship with Jesus Christ.

That’s where Bill Hull’s book, The Christian Leader: Rehabilitating Our Addiction to Secular Leadership is particularly helpful.

Click here for my summary.

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