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Every year on September 6th, “National Read a Book Day” is observed to encourage us to take a break and get reading.  When I think of reading and choosing just one book, I can’t help but encourage reading the Bible.

The first time I read the Bible cover-to-cover was John Maxwell’s The Leadership Bible, where Maxwell intersperses leadership themes, principles, and stories throughout Scripture.  For some of the content, he used his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (which I covered as part of a series in 2015) and his 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader (which was also covered as part of a series in 2015—you can see links to those on the right hand side of the page). 

It is fascinating to learn how many leadership lessons you can learn from the pages of Scripture.

So, today, take some time to sit back, relax, and get lost in the Bible!  Or…if you want a quick read, check out my summary of John Maxwell’s Life-Changing Lessons from Leaders in Scripture.

Click here for Maxwell’s 21 Leadership Issues in the Bible

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