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We just finished celebrating Spring Break 2019.  It was a good time to slow down, even though we drove more than 1200 miles across Texas!

Do you ever find that you’re speeding through life?  As the old country music group Alabama put it, “I’m in a hurry to get things done. Oh I rush and rush until life’s no fun.  All I really gotta do is live and die. But I’m in a hurry and don’t know why.”

Recall, this month’s focus centers on “the simpleton” in Proverbs and “The Simple Life.”

Part of simplifying life involves slowing down.  For our family, a visit to my wife’s university (which has now grown to 2,500 students!) and her hometown (which is down from a population of 12,000 to under 10,000) does the trick.  Far away from the hustle and bustle of Clear Lake, the slower, more relaxed pace of West Texas certainly brings a welcome change of pace.

To continue with this theme, I recently read Alan Fadling’s An Unhurried Leader:  The Lasting Fruit of Daily Influence.

Click here for a summary of An Unhurried Leader

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