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You say, 'If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.' You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled. - Charles Spurgeon

When you hear the word “Minimalism”, what do you picture?

According to Emily Josephine, who wrote Mastering Minimalism, “It simply means…well, living simply. It means cutting back your spending so that you buy only things that you really need, plus a few things for beauty and/or luxury. It means growing into an awareness that less is more – more freedom, more money, more realization that consumerism is slowly killing the planet.”

Why Minimalize?

  1. Save Money
  2. Smaller House (less maintenance, fewer repairs and not as likely to collect clutter)
  3. Less Work (less cleaning and only occasional decluttering)
  4. Less Likely to Be Burglarized
  5. Help Save the Planet (fewer things need to be manufactured)
  6. You Gain Freedom (the more stuff you have, the less freedom you have)

Above all, Minimalism is about breaking free from the consumerist mindset and learning to be content with less.

Click here to learn Emily Josephine’s 8 Steps to a Life of Less Stuff and More Freedom

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